Английский язык

Завдання №1.

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The Control of Weeds and Plant Diseases.

In crop production the control of weeds, diseases and pests is essential to obtain high yields. All three may be controlled by sound farm practices. These include the choice of clean seed and the growing of varieties of crop which can resist disease. They also include careful cultivation, both presowing and post-sowing, and the use of chemicals.

Weeds reduce  crop yields on account of the fact that they compete with crops for water, soil nutrients and light. They also make harvesting difficult. Most weeds are aggressive and invasive, they grow guickly and spread far, and so are difficult to get rid of. One recommended way of eradicating many persistent weeds is first to plough up the roots and underground parts of the plant. Then the soil may be cultivated lightly, or rotavated, on one or more occasions after the first ploughing.

The principal reason for cultivating the soil is to kill weeds. Weeds may also be killed by means of chemicals which have the collective name of herbicides. Weed-killers are of two basic types: selective and non-selective.

The former remove certain weeds from certain crops. For rice we can spray the herbicide 2:4-D or MCPA over the whole crop at low concentrations (1/2 – 1 lb. per acre). The rice will not be affected, but many of the rice weeds will be killed. Non-selective weed killers may be used for removing all vegetation e.g. as brush killers. They must be used extremely carefully  for the simple reason that they will eradicate all plants on contact – which includes the crop itself. They are  usually used before sowing or before sowing or before the emergence of the crop itself.

Plant diseases are caused by organisms which use the crop plant as a host. These are mainly micro-organisms e.g. fungi, bacteria and viruses.

These parasitic micro-organisms live off the food nutrients in the tissue cells of the plant or a part of it is damaged and killed. Micro-organisms are bacteria.

Wind, water, diseased plants, cuttings and tubers, animals, men and insects are some of the means whereby disease is disseminated.

It is very difficult to kill the fungi and bacteria, or to make the virus which is inside the host plant inactive. But the evolution of plant varieties which can resist disease has completely changed methods of disease control.

A number of varieties have been evolved and now available to farmers.

So the control of plant diseases has increasingly become a matter of prevention.

Fungi, which attack the aerial parts of the crop, can be controlled by means of fungicides. These are sprayed or dusted on to the plant surfaces.

They should be applied before the plant is seriously damaged. In any case, it is necessary to examine crops frequently for signs of disease.

Soil-borne diseases are much more difficult to control. There are various ways of treating the soil. One way is to use chemicals that easily change into a gas or vapour, which enter the soil and kill the harmful organisms. The soil is covered with a polythene sheet and the volatile chemical is injected into the soil. After about 24 hours the sheet is removed and the soil is allowed to air for a few days before use.




Додайте слово або фразу з тексту , щоб закінчити твердження , що показує чи вірно ви зрозуміли текст .Зверніть увагу на те , що крапкова лінія потребує фразу , а пряма - слово .Номер указує пропозицію в тексті .


a)     Weeds , dieseases and pests may be controled by … (2)

b)    Sound farm practices include the choice of clean seed and … (3)

c)     Most weeds grow quickly and spread  far .They are ___and___ (7)Agrassive and invasive  weeds are difficult …… .

d)    We can spray  rice with ……(14)

e)     Selective weed – killers remove … (13)All weeds will be removed from all crops by …. (16)

f)      Plant diseases are caused by micro-organisms such as ….(20) Fungi , bakteria and viruses cause plant diseases by using …..



Завдання № 3.



Перепишіть твердження , використовуючи слова і конструкції з тексту.


1.     Weeds which grow  quickly and spread far are difficult to get rid of .

2.     A way which is frequently advised to eradicate weeds which last a long time is to plough first and than cultivate lightly.

3.     Chemicals which remove certain weeds from certain crops are used in rice cultivation , when they are sprayed over the whole crop at low concentrations.

4.     Organism which are microscopic in size and use the crop plant as the ‘host’ are frequently the cause of a whole crop being killed .


Завдання № 4. Визначення й опис хвороб .


Хвороби рослин можуть визначатися їхньою назвою й організмом , що викликає це захворювання.




Crop                   Name of disease         Causal organism


Rice                        blast                         fungus:Piricularia oryzae



Ми можемо сформулювати визначення захворювань такими засобами :


Blast in rice is fungus disease (which is) caused by the organism Piricularia oryzae

The fungus organism Piricularia oryzae causes /is the cause of blast rice.

Piricularia oryzae is a fungul organism which causes blast in rice.


Сформулюйте визначення захворювань рослин за зразком, даному вище.



 Name of disease   

  Causal   organism



Fungus:Ustilago zeae


  Rosette disease



  Bakteria wilt

Bakteria:Pseudomonas solanaceum






Завдання №5.


Дати опис симптомів окремих захворювань рослин .




Crop              Name of         Causal organism       Symptoms



Rice               blast                fungus:Piricularia     Brown longitudinal spots on       

                                              Oryzae                       ieaves.Spots on stem and grain

                                                                                Darker in colour.


1.Blast in rice is a fungus disease caused by the organism Piricularia oryzae.Brown longitudinal spots apper on the leaves.The spots on the stem and grain are darker in colour.

2.The fungul organism Piricularia oryzaeis the cause of blast in rice.Brown longitudinal spots can be seenon the leaves.The spots on the stem  and grain are darker in colour.


Використовуючи інформацію, запропоновану нижче, додайте до визначень захворювань опису симптомів цих захворювань за зразком даному вище. Де необхідно, додайте такі слова:

a)definite and indefinite articles;

b)forms of the verb be and apper,can be seen;








Name of disease              

Causal organism




Fungus:Ustilago zeae

Soft tumours on all parts of plant, mostly cob. Tumours, when mature, split and release black dusty mass of spores.


Bakterial wilt     

Bacteria:Pseudomonas solanacerum

Lower leaves wilt,and eventually die.


Rosette disease


Circular spots on both sides of leaves.Spots on upper surface dark brown with yellow halo.




Red or black spots and a pinkish mold on ponds or seeds.





Після визначення захворювання і його опису, ми можемо сформулювати рекомендації контрольних індивідуальних мір або засобів запобігання цих захворювань .



Name of disease




Control measures





Fungus:Piricularia oryzae

Brown longitudinal spots on leaves.Spots on stem and grain darker in colour.

Spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture.Also|Or resistant varieties.






Ми можемо висловити рекомендації різноманітними засобами :


As a control measures ,the crop should be sprayed with 1%  Bordeaux mixture.

In addition ,|Alternatively , to avoid the disease ,resistant crop varieties should be grown .


2.One control mesures is to spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture .In addition |

Alternatively , resistant crop varieties should be grown .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


Вивчите дану таблицю і сформулюйте визначення , опис хвороби і рекомендації по її контролю або заходам для запобігання її.



Blast in rice isa fungus  disease caused by the organism Piricularia oryzae.In this disease brown longitudinal spots apper on the leaves. The spots on the stem and

Grain are darker in colour . As a control measure the crop can be sprayed with 1 % Bordeaux mixture. To avoid the  disease ,resistant crop varieties should be grown.




Name of disease

Causal organism


Control measures



Fungus:Ustilago zeae

Soft tumours on all parts of plant , mostly cob.

Practice crop rotaitoin and sanitaition.Or, grow resistant varieties.


Bacterial wilt

Bacteria:Pseudomonas solanacerum

Lower leaves wilt , and eventually die.

Spray 1% Bordeaux mixture.Grow resistant varieties

Ground nuts


Rosette disease


Circular spots on both sides of leaves .Spots oh upper surface dark brown with yellow halo.

Plant seeds early and close.Also , use clean seed,and uproot and burn infected plants.




Red or black spots and a pinkish mold on ponds and seeds.

Avoid working around wet plants, remove affected plants.



Завдання №7.

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Тhe life cycle of a plant .

Тhe life cycle of a plant can be divided into several stages . the first stage  is germination . seeds remain dormant , or in a resting state , if they are kept cool or dry . when the amount of moisture and the temperature level are right , the seeds germinate and starts growing .

Сertain conditions are necessary for this to happen . an essential condition is the seeds must be alive .  sometimes seeds are dried  at a temperature which is too high .

Оther condition for germination concern  the amount of moisture in the soil . if dry seeds are planted in a dry soil , they will not germinate until in rains .  on the other hand ,  if there is too much water in the soil , the seeds will not germinate either . this is because wet soils remain cold for a longer  period  of time than drier , well - drained soils . dormant seeds require very little oxygen in order to stay alive , but when they start to germinate they require more .

In the first stage of germination the primary root , or radicle emerges .then the stem pushes its way upward until it appears above the surface of the soil .at the same time the root system grows downward ,  and begins to spread through the soil .in early stages the development of seedlings depends entirely on the foodstore in the seed  but as soon as the first leaves are produced , it is able to manufacture food for itself . The seedlings begins photosynthesis .

When the plant is mature enough , it flowers , and when  this happens pollination and fertilization  are ready to take place . In the process of pollination the pollen is carried by wind


Or insects from the stamens to the stigma of the carpel .





    Додайте слова або фрази з тексту, щоб закінчити твердження, що показує вірно або ні ви зрозуміли текст. Зверніть увагу на те, що крапкова лінія потребує фразу, а пряма лінія-слово. Номер указує пропозицію в тексті.


1. If seeds are kept cool and dry they remain ________ .(3)

    Seeds  germinate when ……….. .(4)

2. Sometimes the temperature is ……….. when seeds are dried.(7)

    As a result, the seeds _______ .(9)

3. Dry seeds will not germinate if they are planted in ………. .(11)

    If the soil is too _______ the seeds will not _______ .(  )

4. Wet soils ……… longer than drier, well-drained soils.(13)

5. A soil which is badly drained may not have …….. for seeds to …….(15)

    in order to ……. dormant seeds require very little ______ .(16)



Завдання № 9.


    Перепишіть пропозиції, замінюючи слова, виділені курсивом, вираженнями з тексту, що мають те ж значення.


1.     The seed  start growing when there is enough air or water and the                  temperature is right.

2.     A seed will only germinate when there is  enough air in the soil.

3.     As soon as the stem and leaves appear above the surface of the soil, they begin to manufacture food.

4.     The process of carrying the pollen to the stigma is brought about by wind or insects.




Завдання № 10.


    Визначення процесу.

     Процеси визначаються тим, що відбувається протягом їхньої діяльності.





name of process:  photosynthesis

identifying description:  water  and  carbon  dioxide  are  built  up  to  form

                                         sugars  and  other  carbohydrates  in  the   presence

                                         of light

definition: Photosynthesis is the process by which water and carbon dioxide      

                  are built up to form  sugars  and  other  carbohydrates  in  the pre-                   

                  sence of  light.


    Підберить назву процесу в списку зліва відповідно опису його діяльності в списку справа. Напишіть визначення процесу.     


name of process                        description of course of action


a) germination                            1) pollen   grains  are  transferred   from   the        

                                                        stamen to the stigma of the female parts

b) pollination                              2) water passes  through  the  leaf  cells  and

                                                         evaporates into the air

c) transpiration                            3) nutrients in the soil pass  through  the cell

2                                                         membranes into the roof hairs

d) osmosis                                    4) the  seed  “ awakens ”  from its  dormant

                                                          state and starts growing            



Завдання № 11.


Заповніть діаграми, використовуючи слова і вираження надані нижче.


























Завдання № 12.


    Виберіть правильне вираження часу.


e.g.     First  the  seed is provided with water, warmth and air, then it starts to

           germinate ( after, till, while ).

           After  the  seed  is  provided  with  water, warmth  and  air, it  starts to     



    Перепишіть пропозиції за зразком, обираючи один із приводів, даних у скобках і поставте їх на початку пропозиції.

Слова, виділені курсивом, опустить.


 1.The  young  shoot  appears above the surface of the ground. Then it begins 

    the process of photosynthesis ( before, as soon as, while )   

2. Once  the   oxygen   has  combined   with  and  broken  down  the  various    

    complex sugars, energy is released ( before, after, while ).

3. Dormant seeds are inactive.During this time they use very little air (when,

    before, while).

4. Once  the  shoot  appears, the plant  then  grows both above and below the

    ground ( before, while, after ).         



Завдання №13.

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The parts of a plant and their functions


A plant is a living organism. It is made up of different parts, each of which has a particular purpose , or specialized function.if one part of the plant is not functioning properly the whole plant will suffer. But we may cut flowers off  the plant or prune  the roots. Such damage is only temporary and so the plant will continue  to grow.

The basic parts of a plant are the root system , which is bellow the ground, and the shoot system above. The root of a plant has two main functions. It takes in , or abcorbs,water and miner als from the soils  through the root hairs,which are single cells hear the tip of each root. The other main function of the root is to hold or , anchor , the plant in firmly position in the soil

the shoot system above the ground consists of the stem , the leaves , the flowers and fruits . one of the function of the stem is to support the plant . another important  function is to enable  water and minerals to pass up from the roots  to the leaves and flowers .  the leaves make food for the plant by the process known as photosynthesis . for this process sunlight is necessary . water from the soil  and carbon dioxide from the air  are converted into sugars and other carbohydrates . during the process oxygen  is formed and released into the air .

the flowers  contains the reproductive organs of the plant .  the stamens produce  the male sex cells . the carpel produces the female sex cells . the fruit ,  the ripened ovary of the flower , encloses the seeds and protects them while they are developing .


Завдання № 14.


Додайте слова або фрази з тексту , щоб закінчити твердження , що показує вірно або ні ви зрозуміли текст . Зверніть увагу  на те  , що лінія точок потребує фразу , а пряма лінія - слово . Номер указує пропозицію в тексті .



    e.g . Each of the different parts of a plant  has a particular purpose . ( 2 )

            Each of the different parts of a plant has a particular purpose or specialized function .




1 . the whole plant will suffer if one part is not …………( 3 )

      If all ……… are functioning properly the whole plant will  ______ suffer .


2 . We may ……… off the plant .(4)

      This damage ( i.e. cutting flowers ) is only temporary , the plant …….  .

      The whole plant will not

       If  we cut flowers off it


3 .  a plant has …… , which is below ______ ( 6 )

      A plant has …… , which is above the ground .


4 . The root takes in , or _____ , water and minerals  from the soil through  the root hairs .( 8 )

      The root absorbs ……… through the root hairs .


5 . The roots hold , or -_______ , the plant firmly in position in the soil . ( 9)

      The plant is anchored firmly in position in the soil by …… .


Завдання №15.


Перепишіть пропозиції . замінюючи виділені курсивом вираження з тексту , що мають теж значення .



e.g. The roots of  plants take in water and minerals from the soil .

     = The roots of plants absorbs water and minerals from the soil .



1 The single cells near the tip of each root   increase their their surface area by extending outwards from the root . .  



 2 .the roots  holds the plant firmly  in position in the soil .

3 . Sunlight provides the energy for the process of converting water from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air into sugars and other carbonhydrates .

4 .While growing , the seeds are protected by the ripened ovary of the flower .





Завдання № 16.

         Позначте на діаграмі частини рослини дорослої квасолі, використовуючи слова і фрази з тексту.  




Завдання № 17.


Дати визначення різним частинам рослини.

Ми можемо визначити різні частини рослини :

а. / називаючи їх;                                                                                                                                                                     б / установлюючи клас, до якого вони належать;

із / описуючи їхню функцію.


       e. g. name : root hair

               class : parts of a plant

               function: absorbs water and minerals from the soil

       Definition : The root hairs are the parts of the plant which absorbs water and minerals from the soil


Використовуючи інформацію нижче, дайте повне визначення кожної частини рослини.


a  / name : fruit

      class :   part of a plant

      function: protects the ripened or matured ovary

b /  name :  leaves

       class :  parts of a plant

       function: manufacture sugars and other carbonhydratesby photosynthesis


c /   name :  root

       class  :  part of a plant

       function: anchors the plant in the soil and absorbs water and minerals





Досліджуйте такі пропозиції в активному і пасивному заставах.Зверніть увагу на те , що пропозиції в пасиві містять одну з форм дієслова to be і минулий дієприкметник .


             A C T I V E                   

We improve the fertility of the soil .


              P A S S I V E

The fertility of the soil is improved .


Запишіть дані пропозиції в пасивній заставі .


1 .Active : The fruit encloses the seeds .

    Passive : The seeds ……..by the  fruit .

2 .Active   : The plant takes in oxygen .

    Passive  :  Oxygen …  … in by the plant .

3 .Active   :   Wind and insects transfer pollen  from one flower to another .

    Passive  :   Pollen … … by wind and insects from one flower to another .

4. Active   :   The human body requires small quantities of several minerals.

    Passive  :  Small quantities of several minerals …. …. By human body .

5. Active   :  Too much cultivation destroys the soil structure.

    Passive  :  Soil structure … … by too much cultivation .

6. Active  :  Soil texture influences all aspects of root development .

    Passive :  All aspects of root development  … … by soil texture .                                                                                                  



Завдання №19.


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The  origin  and composition of the soil .

The origin  and composition of soil .

Soil is a residue of two main ingredients: mineral material and organic material .Organic material originates from dead plants and animals and materials other  than this are derived from rocks  of various kinds . These rocks are broken down  into small particles by mechanical  disintegration and chemical decomposition . This breaking down process , known as weathering , may thus both physical and chemical .

When weathering process are largely physical -  by heat or wind , for instance – the composition of the soil is very similar to that of the parent rock . In arid regions weathering is mostly by physical  means .But in humid regions chemical processes of weathering are equally important . In such regions  rock particles are affected by water which may contain carbonic or other weak acid . These acids dissolve   some of the particles in the rocks .

The mineral material that is left behind is insoluble . Consequently , the isoluble mineral residues in the soil have less resemblance to the original rocks . There are larger amounts of organic matter in the soil , too .

The process of soil formation results in the development of the soil profile . This is made up of a succession of horizontal layers of varying  thickness , from the surface to the parent rock . Generally speaking , there are three distinct horizons , known as A , B , and C . A is a top soil , which is coarse-grained and dark in colour because of presence of humus .

B is known as a sub-soil which contains  some of the products leached ,  or washed , out of the A horizon . The C horizon consists of parent material which has been weathered in the upper part , and unweathered rock below .

Any sample of soil contains particles of different sizes .These have been divided into the following size groups ;



                                   T A B L E   1

         Material                                            Diameter ( mm )


     Gravel                                                more than 2.0

     Coarse-sand                                              2.0-0.2

      Fined sand                                                 0.2-0.02

      Silt                                                             0.02-0.002

      Clay                                                     less than 0.002


Soils range from pure clays to pure sands  . Most of them contain various proportions  of sand , silt and clay and these varyingproportions  make up a soil`s textural class .The principal classes in order of increasing fineness  of material are sand, loam, silt  loam , silty clay loam , clay loam , silt and clay .

Any soil contains both mineral and organic matter . Clay particles are the most important of the mineral particles because they are the smallest .

Smaller sized particles have a greater exposed surface area than larger sized particles .

Smaller sized particles can react and combine with water ,nutrients and humus more easily than larger sized particles .Thus , a clay soil is more reactive than  any other type of soil .Humus from decomposed organic matter  is vital to a soil as it makes  a heavy soil lighter .In addition , it helps to bind the mineral particles together in ‘ crumbs’ .





Додайте слова або фрази з тексту , щоб закінчити твердження , що показує вірно або ні ви зрозуміли текст .

Зверніть увагу на те , що крапкова лінія потребує фразу , а пряма - слово . Номер указує пропозицію в тексті .


1 . Soil is composed of mineral material and … .( 1)

     If the soil  material is not organic , it is derived from … (2)

2 . Rocks of various kinds are … … into small particles (3)

     This breaking down process is known as _________ (4).

3 . In arid regions the weathering process are mostly________ .(6)

4 . In humid regions the water dissolves some of the rocks particles , but  leaves behind mineral

     materials that is _____ .(10)

5 . The succession of soil horizons makes up the soil ________(13)



Завдання № 21.


Перепишіть такі пропозиції , замінюючи слова , виділені курсивом вираженнями з тексту , що мають теж значення .


1 . Material other than mineral material is derived from dead plants  and animals .

2 . Breaking down rocks into small particles  is performed  mostly by heat or wind in arid or semi-arid regions .

3 . The remains of mineral materials that cannot be dissolved in water  have little similarity to

    to the parent rocks in humid regions .

4 .The succession of horizontal layers in a soil are called the top soil , the subsoil  and parent

     materials .



Завдання №22.


 Прочитайте опис перетину грунту .


                    Profile of soil A : Red Earth


 The A horizon extends to a depth of 36 cm . The soil consists of brownish red sandy loam . It has a porous and friable granular structure which is mixed with pebbles . The B horizon extends from 36 cm to 130 cm and is red in colour . It is a sandy loam , gravelly in structure with large quantities of pebbles . The C horizon , which extends down to 244 cm , has  a yellowish white colour . It is sandy , with\ a structure which is cemented and compact mass , made up of decomposed felspars .



  Horizon      Depth ( cm )       Colour            Soil type           Structure                 Other features        


     A              0 – 36                brownish          sandy loam       porous and              mixed with

                                                Red                                            friable                     pebbles



     B             36 –130              red                    sandy loam       gravely                    mixed with


                                                                                                                                   Quantities of



     C            130 – 244           yellowish          sandy                cemented and          decomposed

                                               White                                         compact mass          felspars




Прочитайте опис перетину грунту і складіть таблицю , що надає інформацію , як показано в прикладі вище .


                         Profile of  Soil : Mountain and hill soil .


  The A horizon extends to a depth of 18 cm .Light  brownish grey in colour , the soil type is a sandy loam with a friable granular structure . Another feature is that it is  slightly sticky when wet .The B horizons extends from 18 to 66 cm . It is yellowish brown in colour and consists of moist clay loam  having a blocky, very  hard and compact structure .  It is also sticky when wet. The C1 horizon goes down to 97 cm and is yellowish brown in colour .A moist clay loam, the soil has a blocky, extremely firm structure which is difficult to cut . It is very sticky when wet                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

And some parent  material  is mixed with the soil . Below 97 cm , the C2 horizon is yellowish brown , a clay loam which is soft and easy to cut when moist . It has  a laminated and compact clay shale structure .





Складіть порівняльні твердження , використовуючи такі шаблони.

Пам'ятаєте , що порівняльний ступінь двускладних прикметників утворюється при допомозі закінчення - er , якщо прикметник закінчується на - у , те порівняльна форма прикметникового має закінчення - ier .


e.g. Particles of fine sand are  coarser than  particles of clay .


Вивчіть таблицю :       Soil particles                               Diameter ( mm )

                                        Gravel                                         2 . 0 or more

                                       Coarse sand                                 2 . 0 – 0 .2

                                       Fine sand                                      0 . 2- 0 . 02

                                       Silt                                                0 . 02 – 0 .002

                                       Clay                                              0 .002 or less


Compare the particle size of

      а ) fine sand with silt ( fine )

b)     clay with fine sand ( coarse )

c)      fine sand with gravel ( coarse )

a)     Soils show great variations in their sizes and arrangements of their constituent particles. A sandy soil has larger  particles than a clay soil. A sandy loam has ________ particles than a clay loam.

b)    Soils also vary greatly in colour .A brightly coloured soil indicates a higher degree of oxidation . So , a red soil has been ______oxidized than a black soil.

a.     As agriculture becomes more intensive , the soil  may be modified by those who form it.A soil can be made  less alkaline by adding sulphur. Any soil can be made ______ acid by adding line .


                  T  a b l e



                                               Top soil                                       Sub – soil


 Colour                                   dark                                               light

 Particle sizes                         coarse                                           fine

 Living organisms                  many                                            few

 Elements for plant food        rich                                               poor



a)     colour: 1) The top soil is …

                        2) The sub-soil is …


b)    particles  sizes: 1) The particle sizes of the top soil …


                               2) The particle sizes of the sub-soil …..


с)   living organism: 1)There are ……….. in the top – soil .

                                 2) There are … …  in the sub – soil .

c)     elements for plant food :

                                       1) The top soil is ………

                                 2) the sub –soil is … …  .



Завдання № 24.

Прочитайте та перекладіть текст.



Manures and Fertilizers.

                   Plant growth cannot if there is not a supply of minerals in a soil. The materials which are available for this purpose can be divided into two groups: the bulky, organic materials which are called manures, and the more concentrated, inorganic chemical substances which are called fertilizers. Farmyard manure, or dung, consists of a mixture of litter, solid excreta and urine. It contains three most important substances for plant materials-nitrogen, phosphate and potash. Manure is added to the soil for several reasons. It improves the physical condition of the soil. It also keeps up the level of humus in the soil, and maintains the best conditions for the activities of soil organisms. Finally, it makes up for the plant nutrients which have been removed by crops or lost by leaching and soil erosion.

Another kind of manure is green manure. This includes leguminous crops which grow quickly such as clover and Lucerne. Such crops supply additional nitrogen as well as organic matter. A leguminous crop which is ploughed under will add as much nitrogen to the soil per acre as 3 to 10 tons of farmyard manure.

Fertilizers are usually classified according to the particular food element which forms their main constituent. So, they may be grouped as nitrogenous fertilizers, phosphatic fertilizers, potassic fertilizers and so on.

The most commonly used fertilizer which contains nitrogen is ammonium sulphate, which is made from ammonia and sulphuric acid, and which contains 21 % nitrogen. This element encourages rapid vegetative growth and gives plants a healthy green colour. Another valuable nitrogenous fertilizer is urea, which is made from ammonia and carbon dioxide, and contains 46 % nitrogen.

The most widely used phosphatic fertilizer, super phosphate, is made by treating mineral phosphate with sulphuric acid. Phosphorous stimulates the formation of a plant,s roots, and promotes fruit and seed production. Tropical soils are very often poor in this element.

Finally, wherever high crop yields are expected, potash is used together with nitrogen and phosphorous. Potassium makes the plant tissues stronger. This helps the plant to withstand mechanical damage such as broken branches and torn leaves. In this way the entry of disease bearing agents, or pathogens, such as bacteria and fungi, is prevented. Potassium is important for all plants but particularly so for those that produce oil and starch or sugars. Oil palm and tapioca plants require potassium in large amounts.

It is usually supplied in the form of muriate of potash (potassium chloride), which contains 50 to 60 % potassium oxide (K2O) and sulphate of potash (potassium sulphate).

All plants are affected by the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the soil. The less the nutrient supply, the more acid the soil becomes. Because mineral salts are basic, an acid soil has a low base content. Acidity makes some elements unavailable to plants. If a soil is very acid, with a pH value of less than 5*0, lime can be added to correct this acidity. The main constituent of lime is calcium, an important plant food. The presence of lime helps to make essential elements of plant food more easily available to plants. Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium are more easily available in a well-limed soil than in an acid soil.          




Додайте слова або фрази з тексту , щоб закінчити  твердження , що показує вірно або ні ви зрозуміли текст.Зверніть увагу , що лінія з точок потребує фразу , а пряма лінія - слово.Номер указує пропозицію в тексті.


1.Two groups of materials are being compared______and _____.\ 2\

2.Nitrogen ,phosphate and potash are substances that are found in …….\3\

   Farmyard manure contains these three …… substances .\4\

3.There are several reasons why ______is added to the soil .\5\

4.Fertilizers may be grouped as … …\14\

5.Ammonium sulphate is the mostly commonly used fertilizer … …\15\



Завдання №26.

Перефразуйте такі пропозиції, використовуючи де можливо слова і конструкції з тексту.


1.The mostly commonly used fertilizer which contains nitrogen is made by            

    combining ammonia with  sulphuric acid .

2.When applied to the soil,the product which results from treating mineral             

   phosphate with sulphuric acid promotes the production of fruits and seeds.

3.Broken branches and torn leaves allow pathogens such as bakteria and fungi to      

  enter the plant and destroy it .

4.Essential elements of plant food are not readily available in a soil with a pH        

   value of less than 5.0.




Спираючись на зразок і використовуючи таблицю, напишіть пропозиції показавши які симптоми відповідають яким діагнозам.

Mineral deficies

Symptom                                                                        Diagnosis


Plant stunted in growth,                                                  soil deficient

Leaves yellowish in colour                                             in nitrogen.


The plant is stunted in growth and the leaves are yellowish in colour. This shows that the soil is deficient in nitrogen.




Plant roots dying at tips, or remain short and stubby

Sulphur deficiency in soil.

Plant tissues weak, prone to attack by insects and fungus

Soil deficient in potassium

Leaves losing their green colour, become yellow at tips, between veins

Deficiency of phosphorous

New leaves turning yellow, roots and stems becoming    long and woody

Supply of calcium in soil is low





Означальні підрядні пропозиції / Attributive clauses / виконують у складній пропозиції функцію визначення і відповідають на питання What? Which ? і з'єднуються з головною пропозицією союзними словами who? , whose? , which? і прислівниками when? , where? ,why?


e.g. Fertilizers why?h have nitrogen as the main food element are called nitrogenous fertilizers.


Об'єднаєте кожну пару пропозицій в одну, перетворивши другу пропозицію в підрядне.


                                       Ammonium sulphate……. Is the most commonly used nitrogenous fertilizer. Ammonium sulphate supplies the soil with nitrogen and sulphur.

2.A compost is a mixture of partly broken down material…… This material is usually made up of grass cuttings.

3.A leguminous crop….. will add as much nitrogen to the soil per acre as 3 to 10 tons of farmyard manure. A leguminous crop is ploughed under




Означальні підрядні часто вживаються в скороченій формі:


У підрядних, що починаються which has or which have, може бути використаний привід С.


e. g. Rice varieties which have short erect leaves respond well to high levels of fertilizer.

= Rice varieties with short erect leaves respond well to high levels of fertilizer.


У підрядних, де замість активної форми дієслова може бути застосована -

ing форма.


e.g. Rice varieties which have short erect leaves respond well to high levels of fertilizer.

= Rice varieties having short erect leaves respond well to high levels of fertilizer.

The most commonly used fertilizer which contains nitrogen is ammonium sulphare.

= The most commonly used fertilizer containing nitrogen is ammonium sulphare.


У підрядних пропозиціях, у яких дієслово в пасивній формі, відносний займенник і форма дієслова to be не застосовуються.    


e.g. The guantity of fertilizer or manure which is reguired for rice cultivation partly depends on the variety of rice which is used.

= . The guantity of fertilizer  or manure required for rice cultivation partly depends on the variety of rice which is used.

У підрядних пропозиціях, де за відносним займенником випливає форма дієслова to be і визначення або іменник , відносний займенник і форма дієслова to be можуть не застосовуватися.


e.g. Common nitrogen fertilizer which are suitable for rice are ammonium sulphare and urea.

= Common nitrogen fertilizer suitable for rice are ammonium sulphare and urea.

Urea, which is the substance in human an urine, is a nitrogenous fertilizer.

= Urea, the substance in human an urine, is a nitrogenous fertilizer



Об'єднаєте кожну пару пропозицій в одну, змінюючи другу пропозицію в стислу форму підрядної пропозиції і підставте в першу пропозицію замість крапок.


Muriate of potash is a form of potash…… This form of potash is used in many compound fertilizers.


1.Viruses are very small organisms………

They are usually transmitted by means of insects.

2.Nematodes are small worms in the soil that enter plant roots…..

They cause serious losses in some crops, particularly in the tropics.

3.Compond fertilizers are multiple nutrient materials……

They supply two or three plant nutrient simultaneously.

4.It is essential to understand the materials…..

The materials are available to the farmer to maintain the supply of minerals in the soil.





Acid soil                                                 



On account

Arid region



Кислотні грунти



В рахунок чого-небудь

Марна(посушлива) область(регіон)



bear bore, borne|

Хвороба рослини

Приносить плоди

Carbon dioxide                                      

Carbon hydrates                                    



Coarse sand                                           

Clay loam                                              





Вуглекислий газ




Зернистий пісок

Масна глина


Рак (наріст)















Гній (добриво)




Відбуватися (від)



Розвивати (тися)




Fine sand

Farmyard manure                                                              








Дрібний пісок

Органічне добриво

Гриб (наріст) 









To get rid of









Організм, що харчує паразитів









Keep up

Підтримувати, зберігати

Loamy sand                                      





Глина масна
















































Soil-borne disease




Зерно, насіння


Підгрунтовий прошарок






Грунтова хвороба






 Пар (пароподібний)

Well-drained soils


 Дренажні грунти 
